Exam board: WJEC
Level: AS/A-level
Subject: History
First teaching: September 2015
First exams: Summer 2016 (AS); Summer 2017 (A-level)
Build, reinforce and revise the historical knowledge and exam skills required for WJEC AS/A-level History.
Matched to the 2016 specification for Wales, this study guide contains clear content summaries and annotated sample answers to exam questions.
- Concisely covers the key issues and content in the specification, breaking the Unit down into manageable chunks
- Consolidates understanding with regular knowledge-check questions, plus useful tips
- Builds the analytical and evaluative skills that students need to succeed in AS/A-level History
- Improves students' exam technique, providing sample student answers to past paper questions, with commentary to explain the number of marks awarded
- Helps students to learn the content throughout the course, study independently and revise for their exams
Please note: This is a Welsh-language edition.