About the Book
Books about Musical Instruments discuss the history, teaching of playing technique or musical qualities of musical instruments that are played individually or as part of a band or orchestra. Titles include: Das Alte Clarinblasen auf Trompeten, Das Problem der Modernen Klaviertechnik, Fifty Years' Experience of Pianoforte Teaching and Playing, French Organ Music Past and Present, From Brain to Keyboard: A System of Hand and Finger Control for Pianists and Students, The Construction, Tuning and Care of the Piano-Forte, The Groundwork of the Leschetizky Method: Issued with His Approval, The Principles of Expression in Pianoforte Playing, The violin and the art of its construction. A treatise on the Stradivarius violin, and Violin Teaching and Violin Study: Rules and Hints for Teachers and Students.
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