Prophetic Force

By John O. B. Agbaje

Prophetic Force
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P R O P H E T I C FORCE a bold effort at declassification of the subject of eschatology, a branch of Christian theology that deals with the last things; the rapture of the saints, millennial reign of Jesus Christ, destruction of the earth, concept and consequence of judgements and bases of rewards. Its real emphasis is on personal revival and holy living which the study of such subject should provoke in the community of believers. It endorses the finality of the position of the Bible on all issues, upholds the values of eternal life and urges readiness for heaven by which intellectual appreciation of the subject will not be more than a desirable by-product. The book builds a strong link between various doctrines of the Bible and the ultimate purpose they are meant to serve in a simplified and authoritative manner. Its comprehensive coverage of the subject, its broad-based and open-minded approach to the treatment of issues, its analysis of current developments on worlds social, political and religious theatres, its blending of contending theories and unbiased resolution of cloudy portions of the course have combined to strengthen its appeal to those who seek sound understanding of the controversial subject. P R O P H E T I C FORCE Presents the Factual Realms of Prophecies and Passionately Explores Current Events that are Fulfilling End Time Prophecies Conveys the Imperatives for Expectant Christian Living Offers Bold and Objective Resolution of Controversies The book ... is a compilation of sound teachings on eschatology in a way that the Church has yet to have it; an all-inclusive coverage of the subject and potent armour of truth to withstand falsehood that has filtered into the Church from several directions on the account of the cloudy subject - Pastor Michael Adeoye

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