Luther & the State: Writings on Secularism

By Martin Luther

Luther & the State: Writings on Secularism
Available for 1.85 USD

A new systematic of Luther's works across 7 volumes. This volume contains new translations of the following major works:

1. Von der babylonischen Gefangenschaft der Kirche / Prelude to the Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520)

2. An den Christlichen Adel deutscher Nation von des Christlichen standes besserung/ To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation (1520)

3. Das Magnificat, verdeutscht und ausgelegt / The Magnificat, Germanized and Interpreted (1521)

4. Eyn trew vormanung Martini Luther tzu allen Christen, sich tzu vorhuten fur auffruhr unnd emporung /  A Faithful Preamble by Martin Luther to All Christians to Prepare for Revolt and Rise (1522)

5. Von weltlicher Obrigkeit und Wieweit man ihr Gehorsam schuldig sei/ On Secular Authority: To What Extent It Must Be Obeyed (1523)

6. Daß Jesus Christus ein geborner Jüde sei/ That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew (1523)

7. Daß eine christliche Versammlung oder Gemeinde Recht und Macht habe / That a Christian assembly or congregation has right and power (1523)

8. An die Burgermeister und Ratherrn allerlei Städte in deutschen Landen/ To the Mayors and Town Councillors of all the Towns in the German Lands (1524)

9. Wider die räuberischen und mörderischen Rotten der Bauern/ Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants (1525)

10. Über den Bauernkrieg/ On the German Peasant's war (1526)

11. Briefe an Landgraf Philipp von Hessen/ Letters to Landgrave Philipp of Hesse (1530-31)

12. Artikel wider die ganze Satans-Schule und alle Pforten der Hölle / Articles against the whole school of Satan and all the gates of hell (1530)

13. An den Juden Jesel, v. 5. November 1537 / A letter to the Jew Jesel

14. A Letter to his wife of Feb 7th, 1546 / An seine Frau, aus Eisleben vom 7. Februar 1546. (1546)

This is volume IV of "The Essential Luther" from NLP. This series lays out Luther's complete major writings along with the original German or Latin text in the back of the book for quick reference. These are the only Bilingual editions of Luther's works ever printed. These manuscripts have been meticulously translated into English from the Original Fraktur manuscript. The German texts have been transcribed into the modern German text. This series is intended to introduce Luther's works systematically and includes all of Luther's writings including minor and obscure texts in 7 editions. Some of these sermons and letters have had no modern English translation until now.

Volume I. Luther Contra Mundum: The Ninety-five Theses and other Major Treaties

Volume II. Luther & Scripture: Writings on Hermeneutics, Exegesis and Patristics

Volume III. Luther on Divine Sovereignty & Human will: Conversations with Erasmus

Volume IV. Luther & the State: Writings on Secularism

Volume V. Luther's Creeds: Catechisms & Confessions

Volume VI. Luther's Table Talk

Volume VII. Luther's Sermons and Letters

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