Making Sense of Climate Change

By Alex Standish

Making Sense of Climate Change
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An evidence-based look at the subject of climate change that gives readers an informative, scientific, and calm overview of what's happening to planet Earth.

  • What is the difference between weather and climate?
  • Understand how Earth's climate has always experienced warmer periods and ice ages
  • Learn how Earth's orbit around the Sun, solar activity, and volcanoes can naturally increase Earth's temperature
  • What is the Greenhouse Effect?
  • How do cars, planes, and electricity production create too much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases?
  • Discover how warmer temperatures are affecting people, animals, and plants
  • How can we reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
  • Explore how carbon capture, planting trees, and using renewable energy can make a difference
  • How can we prepare for a warmer world?

Discussions about climate change and its effects can be overwhelming for young people causing fear and anxiety. This book explores this essential topic clearly and scientifically, providing kids with a detailed explanation of what is happening to our planet while giving them the tools and the hope they need to help change Earth's future.