Living and Being a Therapist (First Edition)

By Jeffrey Kottler

Living and Being a Therapist (First Edition)
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Diverse in subject matter and intensely personal, Living and Being a Therapist: A Collection of Readings gathers together many of the seminal chapters, articles, and essays written by renowned psychotherapist and author Jeffrey Kottler throughout his career. The text boldly explores the complex personal challenges therapists and counselors experience during practice, as well as some of the universal issues and challenges that all of us encounter.

The anthology contains three dozen written works that illuminate Jeffrey's personal experiences with the joys, pitfalls, and profound revelations that naturally accompany the practice of counseling and therapy. Divided into five sections, the readings cover topics including ethical and moral dilemmas, feelings of inadequacy and hypocrisy, the challenge of weathering failures, the development of close relationships with clients and loved ones, and much more.

Filled with thought-provoking introspections, and delivered with Jeffrey's trademark honesty, Living and Being a Therapist is an authentic and enlightening read.

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