SAARC and South Asian Economic Union
The Idea of the economic union came into existence o the European countries o the post-world war II period. In South Asia, efforts fur regional Economic cooperation started with the emergence of SAARG 1980s. The end of the cold war and the process of globalization and liberalization in 19901 have provided new opportunities for further regional cooperation ii the region. Though host relations between India and Pakistan and other disputes among the member states always created hurdles in this process. It is importarrl for South Asian countries to manage the bilateral relations and other confiding Issues in the region for the establishment of economic unite (lithe pattern of European Union. The present work has been divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the origin of SAARC South Asia. The second chapter explains the basic areas of cooperation for regional economic integration. The third chapter maintains the role of SAARC in the growth of trade in South Asia. The fourth chapter deals with basic problems and prospects in the context of economic integration. The last chapter concludes the work with future perspectives.