Fiercely independent, Lady Violet Rimes, the merry widow, has played the ton, dangling men from leashes like a pack of adoring hounds, always the one in control. Never has a man toyed with her.
An idle, attractive, rake, Lord Geoffrey Sparks has had little to do other than enjoy life. He has let Violet play her games for months without complaint: he likes her company – and admittedly her bed.
But in recent months things have changed between them. He likes her for who she is and not simply the notorious widow. He thought his feelings were returned, but now she has suddenly vanished without a word...
Heartbreaker or heartbroken?
Don’t miss the other novels in the series,
The Illicit Love of a Courtesan
The Passionate Love of a Rake
The Scandalous Love of a Duke
The Lost Love of a Soldier