A seminal figure in the development of distinctively American concert music, Roy Harris created a large body of compositions in virtually all media in a career spanning more than fifty years, from the 1920s to the 1970s. His fortunes fluctuated widely with the public and critical community. Eclipsed during the 1960s, when his conservative idiom with its strong nationalistic stance was out of vogue, he and his work have gained increased scholarly, performance, and recording interest in recent decades, which have brought to the fore an entire generation of neglected American composers.
Documenting and organizing Harris's complex oeuvre is the essential concern of the present book, and the catalogue of works and performances provides information on instrumentation, premieres, publication, and special aspects of each composition. Like the catalog, the discography is the most thorough ever assembled for Harris, and it also includes commentary on features of the recordings. The extensive annotated bibliography includes reference sources, scholarly works, general works, text sources, folksong sources, writings by Harris, and critical reviews. Works, recordings, and bibliography are carefully enumerated, cross-referenced, and indexed. An opening study of Harris's life, works, and style incorporates gleanings from an oral history collection recently made available. This research tool is an essential companion to any critical study of Harris and will provide a firm base on which future such studies can be developed.