Do you lay awake at night wondering how you’ll ever pay for the kids’ college or be able to retire? Do you toss and turn trying to figure out how to make ends meet?
Managing Your Money Online For Dummies is your guide to making the most of online resources to make the most of your money. It’s a “get rich slow” scheme. Most of today’s millionaires don’t earn millions a year, didn’t inherit a bundle, and didn’t win the lottery. They simply spent less than they made and managed and invested the difference. You can join their ranks and sleep at night when you discover how to use Internet tools and resources to:
- Give yourself an online financial makeover
- Determine your net worth and devise your financial strategies
- Set up a budget and track your income and expenses
- Take advantage of online banking and bill-paying
- Find the best CD rates, online broker, and credit card for you
Written by Kathleen Sindell, Author of Investing For Dummies, Managing Your Money Online For Dummies links you to priceless advice to help you:
- Calculate how much you need to save for retirement, how much mortgage you can afford, should you pay off debt, or are you adequately insured
- Handle overwhelming debt and correct errors on your credit report
- Comparison shop for a car (new or used), house and mortgage, insurance, and more
- Avoid the top 10 ways people waste money
- Save with online rebates, promotional discounts, coupons, special sales, or special offers
- Secure your data and protect your identify and your computer
- Do estate planning—now that you’ll have an estate
Best of all, with you Managing Your Money Online For Dummies you won’t just save money and hassle, you’ll save time and manage your gradually accumulating riches at your convenience!