Poker, from Hobby to Business

By Fabio Silva

Poker, from Hobby to Business
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This 2nd edition addresses all relevant concepts about the game of poker, from its legality, its application in the academic field, including the legal sciences, to its perspective as a business, and of course, the tax aspects of the game. Poker is the sport of the mind that is present on five continents, being practiced as a hobby, as an academic tool or as a business, due to its plurality in mathematical and psychological concepts.About the author: Fabio Silva has a degree in Accounting, Judicial Mediator from the National Council of Justice of Brazil, a law student, professional poker player and CEO of Litoral Poker Brazil( 1 - The History of the Poker GameChapter 2 - The practice of poker game under Brazilian lawChapter 3 - Poker, From Leisure to BusinessChapter 4 - The Basics of University Poker4.1 Mathematical, psychological and academic aspects of the game - Game Theory4.2 Poker Strategies Applied to Legal Sciences4.3 Artificial Intelligence X Emotional IntelligenceChapters 5- Key Differences Between Online Poker and Live PokerChapter 6 - Starting Your Way in Poker (Tutorial)6.1 Ranking of Hands6.2 Poker Vocabularies6.3 Expected Values in Poker (EV) - Definition and Strategies6.4 The basic math of poker, the probability6.5 Pot Odds and Outs6.6 Concepts of: Independent Chip Model, better known as "ICM"6.7 ICM X EV - Definitions and Applications6.8 Red line, parameter for rating your gameChapters 7 - Starting the Game ...7.1 The Position, basic principle7.2 Playing the Flop7.3 Playing the Turn7.4. Playing the river7.5 Reasons to betChapter 8 - Entering Profitable Plays in Your Game8.1 How to play postflop on tables with many limpers8.2 Paying in position to attack by performing Floating8.3 Different ways to play low pairs profitably8.4 Basic Strategies for Your Chip Stack8.5 Training and proposed exercisesChapter 9 - Effects of Emotional and Behavioral Factors on Poker9.1 Identifying Players in the Online Game with HUD Information 9.2 Placing Hand Ranges by Profile9.3 Notes x Hud9.4 The trust factor9.5 Assessing Risks9.6 Dealing with Downswing9.7 Pros and Cons of Becoming a Professional Gamer9.8 Main causes of poker player failure9.9 Identifying and managing the comfort zone in pokerChapter 10 - Tips for Managing VarianceChapter 11 - The Deal, the Time for a DealChapter 12. The ROI - Return obtains gone on investmentChapter 13- The Moment of Truth, What You Can Really Win at PokerChapter 14 - The Truth About Online Poker PlatformsChapter 15 - Differences Between Rakeback and BonusesChapter 16 - Key Differences Between Cash Game and TournamentsChapter 17 - Rakeback Reflexes and Offsets on ResultChapter 18 - Choose from the Different Online Poker PlatformsChapter 19 - Registering on Platforms and Understanding Some Game ModesChapter 20 - Supporting Software for Results Reports and Websites20.1 How to analyze your results on websites ( & 21 - Tax Aspects of Online Poker Profitability

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