Particle Physics at the Start of the New Millennium

By A. I. Studenikin

Particle Physics at the Start of the New Millennium
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This proceedings volume deals with a wide variety of topics in particle physics, in both theory and experiment. Contents: On the Fundamental Symmetries in Particle Physics (E Shabalin); Chiral Symmetry in Lattice QCD (A Slavnov); Two-Photon Physics at LEP (G Passaleva); Color Reconnection and Bose-Einstein Correlations at LEP2 (Th Ziegler); A NLO QCD Analysis of the Spin Structure Function g 1 and Higher Twist Correlations (E Leader et al.); Heavy Quark Asymmetries (A Tricomi); Experimental Signature of a Fermiophobic Higgs Boson (L Brecher & R Santos); The AMS Experiment: First Results and Physics Prospects (J P Vialle); Neutrino Conversions in Active Galactic Nuclei (A Husain); Lepton Production by Neutrinos in an External Electromagnetic Field (A Borisov & N Zamorin); Mixing and CP Violation with Quasidegenerate Majorana Neutrinos (G Branko et al.); Solar Neutrino Oscillations in Extensions of the Standard Model (O Boyarkin); Covariant Treatment of Neutrino Spin (Flavour) Conversion in Matter Under the Influence of Electromagnetic Fields (M Dvornikov et al.); Pulsar Velocity Puzzle and Nonstandard Neutrino Oscillations (R Horvat); Kinematic Projecting of Pulsar Profiles (V Bordovitsyn et al.); Late Gravitational Collapse, Quantum Miniholes and the Birth of a New Universe (M Fil''chenkov); On Adelic Strings (B Dragovich); Collider Searches for TeV Scale Quantum Gravity with Compact Extra Dimensions (P Azzurri); and other papers. Readership: High energy physicists and astrophysicists.

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