Practical, comprehensive, and updated throughout, the 4th edition of Dermatological Signs of Internal Diseases helps you identify a full range of common and rare systemic diseases they can be managed as effectively as possible. Coverage of new disorders, including nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy, new treatment options, expanded histopathology content, new color images, online image library and much help you attain definitive diagnoses of internal diseases that manifest on the skin. Best of all, each chapter features an evidence-based approach to diagnosis and treatment so you know you can depend on the clinical recommendations presented. Expert Consult functionality allows you to access the entire contents of the book online at from any Internet connection.
- Presents an evidence-based approach so you can depend on the clinical recommendations presented.
- Covers advice on patient evaluation and lab tests, as well as tables of differential diagnoses, to facilitate diagnosis for every condition.
- Uses a consistent, user-friendly format for easy reference.
- Discusses new diseases such as nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy and new therapies, including biologics, to keep you on the cusp of this rapidly expanding field.
- Provides improved and expanded histopathology content for a better understanding in this difficult area of diagnosis.
- Features over 500 full-color illustrations-100 new to this edition-that provide the best possible representations of diseases as they appear in real life.
- Features a companion website at with fully searchable text and an image library to enhanced visual guidance.