Continually Reassessing Students Needs Insight from ELT tertiary

By Dwi Poedjiastutie, Alfi Syukrin, Laela Hikmah Nurbatra, Hartono, Anisa Kurniadhani Suryo Putri, Novi Indriyani, Iqbal Alfian Rusydi, Zulis Astuti, Nabila Dhiya Permatasari, Fitria Nur Mufida, Nur Istiningrum, Anicha Ramadhani Nur Rahma

Continually Reassessing Students Needs Insight from ELT tertiary
Available for 16.36 USD

Even though ESP is not a new phenomenon in Indonesia, many

teachers still face a lot of challenges in real classroom implementation

and practices. Many scholars also have claimed that ESP is a part of

ELT like General English (GE). Both have something in common but to

some extent they also have differences. Therefore, the ESP pedagogy

and approaches should also be treated differently from the pedagogy

of other ELT types such as GE.

This book hopefully provides some insight to teachers who need

to shift between GE and ESP. The ideas of ESP are mostly derived from

the research project conducted by the English Language Education

Department under the supervision of Dwi Poedjiastutie and Laela

Hikmah Nurbatra. These researches mainly focus on ESP teaching

at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang under the auspice of

the Language Centre. The research selected for this book covered a

different range of ESP topics.

In the first chapter of the book, the Poedjiastutie discusses the ESP

teacher recruitment process at one of the universities in Indonesia.

Indonesia is one of the countries that had also been developing ESP

projects in vocational schools, academies and universities. Many

teachers of EFL make the transition to teach ESP because the number

of students who need ESP learning is increasing from year to year. The

curriculum and the pedagogy of the teaching institution need to adapt

to the situation. When the curriculum fails to identify the need and

the demand of ESP in this university, the ESP system needs serious

attention since teachers is a central role in the education system.

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