2008 Best Reference, Library Journal
"The impact of global warming is rapidly evolving. This valuable resource provides an excellent historical overview and framework of this topic and serves as a general resource for geography, oceanography, biology, climatology, history, and many other subjects. A useful reference for a wide audience of business professionals and government officials as well as for the general public; essential for both academic and public libraries."
—Library Journal
"This is a useful set because of the individual country entries as well as the general-audience language . . ."
— Booklist (Starred Review)
The Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change helps readers learn about the astonishingly intricate processes that make ours the only planet known to be habitable. These three volumes include more than 750 articles that explore major topics related to global warming and climate change—ranging geographically from the North Pole to the South Pole, and thematically from social effects to scientific causes.
Key Features
The Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change provides a primarily nonscientific resource to understanding the complexities of climate change for academic and public libraries.
Atmospheric Sciences
climate and Society
Climate Change, Effects
Climate Feedbacks
Climate Models
Countries: Africa
Countries: Americas
Countries: Asia
Countries: Europe
Countries: Pacific
Government and International Agencies
Institutions Studying Climate Change
Programs And Conventions