The poems within this volume, consist of a series called: The Galilean 87-poems out of 653 have been selected, from six chapbooks of which six thousand copies have been handed out freely to: churches, individuals and facilities seeking the wisdom of the scriptures concerning Jesus Christs love and salvation; three chapbooks were sent to Pope Francis whom gave a favorable response. This is the authors Magnus Opus in poetry. Deep into the books inner-core one will discover its mysteries: those seldom brought to light. (A two year project.)
The Commentary for the poem Conclusion: Gods Existence is excellent.
Sister Marleny Rojas (11-2013) Directora del Colegio Santa Mara Madre de Dios
I like the poem, Gods Nature
Marissa Cardenas, Journalist, Correo Newspaper (Huancayo, Peru) 2013
With great regard and admirationyou being a decorous person: Poems for the Soul (The Galilean) tells us, the reader, once more of your endless layers and poetic productions, which exalt the intelligence and human culture.
Mayor, San Juan De Miraflores, Lima, Per: Dr. Adolfo Vargas, 8-2013