"Not all teachers are parents, but all parents are teachers. When we teach kids to be good people who possess the social courage to do the right thing, we help to make the world a safer, saner, more accepting place for all of us."
-Annie Fox, M.Ed.
We live in a time shaped by a viral culture of cruelty. Now and in the future, we desperately need more good people. But where will these young people come from? From the homes of parents with a game plan! In Teaching Kids to Be Good People, Annie Fox has written a very personal, step-by-step guide to teaching your children to make healthy choices (online and off). Because being good is not enough. We have to do good.
This very pragmatic and funny guide includes essays, podcasts, prompts, tools, questions, answers, and self-assessment quizzes, all for the purpose of teaching kids to be good people. Hopefully, you'll become so engaged in this process that you will inspire your children to do the right thing when no one's watching, and when everyone is watching.
Visit www.TeachingKidsToBeGoodPeople.com for excerpts, reviews and more about the book.
"Stellar! Unlike many solution-based parenting books, Teaching Kids to Be Good People is insightful, intuitive on so many levels . . . a truly meaningful book for our times."
-Dr. Lynne Kenney, Psy.D., author of The Family Coach Method
"[G]reat advice on how exactly we can help our kids with their most important skill set-the social-emotional one."
-Rick Ackerly, author of The Genius in Every Child
"Annie Fox has a genuine passion for helping our young people and she has many years of experience doing it. Both are evident in this wonderful resource for parents and teachers."
-Dr. Hal Urban, Ed.D., author of Life's Greatest Lessons
"Every time I read something of Annie's, it makes me think... you can't help but love all that she does. Great book!"
-Sarah Newton, author of Help! My Teenager Is an Alien!
"I wholeheartedly recommend 'Teaching Kids to be Good People' to any significant adult in children's lives. This book offers guidance and practical advice to ensure that children are supported to become the best that they can be. The best not only for themselves but the best also for their families, schools, communities and the world!"
-Sue McNamara, Director of Education, Six Seconds South East Asia
"Timing is everything, and the time has come for this book! Teaching Kids to Be Good People not only helps parents introduce and support their children's emotions, it also reminds adults that we too must honor and release our deeply held feelings as well. The time has come!"
-Sharon Silver, CPE, author of Stop Reacting and Start Responding
"Annie has been helping teens use their moral compass and parents and educators to support young people's development of one for 30 years, and her very readable latest book has that level of experience, plus wisdom, anecdotes, exercises, and compass-development tools, packed into it. I highly recommend this book. In it, Annie connects 21st-century parenting to the wisdom of the ages."
-Anne Collier, journalist, youth advocate and co-director of ConnectSafely.org
"[A] wonderfully practical and warm-hearted book. It will empower parents with some really helpful suggestions and ideas for navigating the choppy emotional waters of raising great adults. I highly recommend that you settle down with a cup of coffee and enjoy reading 'Teaching Kids' as Annie's ideas will make communicating with your children meaningful and magical."
-Sue Atkins, author of Parenting Made Easy-How to Raise Happy Children