By Claudia Martin, Robert Kogod Goldman, Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón, Tomás Ojea Quintana, Claudio M. Grossman, Fernando Carrillo-Flórez
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The International Dimension of Human Rights includes extracts of judgments, reports and opinions of international supervisory organs and domestic judicial tribunals, as well as the work of scholars in this subject. This casebook has been divided into seven chapters that deal with the following topics: basic notions of international law; the relationship between international law and domestic law; the right to an effective remedy; the right to liberty and security of persons and the right not to be tortured; the right to a fair trial; economic, social and cultural rights; and other aspects of international protection of human rights, such as the rights of women, the rights of indigenous peoples and environmental rights. The casebook also includes the most relevant international treaties on human rights adopted by the Inter-American, universal and European systems.