This beautifully illustrated guide presents a carefully curated collection of 20 plant species native to Hong Kong, with scientific, detailed pen and ink illustrations and morphological descriptions, providing important reference materials for species authentication. Of the 20 species selected, 15 are rare and endangered species, making this guide of special importance for plant preservation in Hong Kong, as well as for botanists, plant lovers, and illustrators. This is the first volume of Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium Scientific Illustration Series.
黃錦波 香港中文大學生命科學學院院長
With its numerous beautiful botanical illustrations and informative details of plant morphological features, this book is a remarkable addition to Hong Kong’s botanical science collection and flora conservation work. Through this novel approach in integrating botanical knowledge in STEAM education, this book will open the eyes of our citizens, especially the younger generation, and raise their interest and awareness in plants, and contribute to promoting biodiversity conservation in Hong Kong.
Jenny Y. Y. LAU
Curator of Hong Kong Herbarium, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
To see these beautiful illustrations, the photos and the commentary about the plants that accompany them makes us wish that all of the rich and diverse flora of Hong Kong could be treated similarly.
David E. Boufford
Senior Research Scientist, Harvard University Herbaria & Editorial Committee Member of Flora of China
陸詠恩 香港四邑商工總會陳南昌紀念中學校長
林志江 東涌天主教學校校長
葉春燕 秀茂坪天主教小學校長、「EduVision 學願計劃」創辦人