香港原生植物圖鑑(中英雙語)Botanical Illustrated Guide to Hong Kong Native Plants (Chinese-English Bilingual Edition)

By 劉大偉 David T. W. Lau, 李敏貞 Man-Ching Li, 王曉欣 Hiu-Yan Wong

香港原生植物圖鑑(中英雙語)Botanical Illustrated Guide to Hong Kong Native Plants (Chinese-English Bilingual Edition)
Available for 25.74 USD

本圖鑑為「胡秀英植物標本館科學繪圖系列」的第一冊,以科學繪圖融合植物藝術墨線圖的方式, 詳細介紹 20 種香港原生植物;而細膩的科學繪圖及鑒定級的特徵描述,更可作為鑒定植物品種的參考資料。20 個原生品種當中包括 15 種稀有及瀕危植物,對於香港植物的保育,以及對植物學家、植物愛好者和繪畫者來說,本圖鑑別具特殊、重要的價值。

This beautifully illustrated guide presents a carefully curated collection of 20 plant species native to Hong Kong, with scientific, detailed pen and ink illustrations and morphological descriptions, providing important reference materials for species authentication. Of the 20 species selected, 15 are rare and endangered species, making this guide of special importance for plant preservation in Hong Kong, as well as for botanists, plant lovers, and illustrators. This is the first volume of Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium Scientific Illustration Series.



黃錦波 香港中文大學生命科學學院院長

With its numerous beautiful botanical illustrations and informative details of plant morphological features, this book is a remarkable addition to Hong Kong’s botanical science collection and flora conservation work. Through this novel approach in integrating botanical knowledge in STEAM education, this book will open the eyes of our citizens, especially the younger generation, and raise their interest and awareness in plants, and contribute to promoting biodiversity conservation in Hong Kong.

Jenny Y. Y. LAU

Curator of Hong Kong Herbarium, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department

To see these beautiful illustrations, the photos and the commentary about the plants that accompany them makes us wish that all of the rich and diverse flora of Hong Kong could be treated similarly.

David E. Boufford

Senior Research Scientist, Harvard University Herbaria & Editorial Committee Member of Flora of China


陸詠恩 香港四邑商工總會陳南昌紀念中學校長

這本書是難得的一本本地植物科學圖鑑,它以科學繪圖融合植物藝術墨線圖的方式,並結合珍貴的憑證標本圖片,詳細介紹了 20 種香港原生植物及其特徵。此圖鑑不但提供了鑒定有關物種的重要參考資料,而且對科學探究及 STEAM 教育提供了一個寶貴的教學資源。作為主修生物學的教育工作者,本人強烈推薦此圖鑑給予各位師生作參考及應用。

林志江 東涌天主教學校校長

這本圖鑑是一群香港科學家數十年的心血結晶,其珍貴之處在於不但能讓我們深入淺出地了解植物的內外結構,更能認識到陪伴香港見證著生態變遷的 20 種原生植物。我們可以透過這本圖鑑獲得更多關於香港原生植物的資訊,從特徵至外貌,種子至根莖、形狀至長度,皆能映入眼簾。因此,我特別推薦這本圖鑑給我們的小學生及年輕人,透過這本書,他們可以體驗香港這彈丸之地也能孕育出這麼奇妙有趣的植物。

葉春燕 秀茂坪天主教小學校長、「EduVision 學願計劃」創辦人

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