Emerging technologies generate data sets of increased size and complexity that require new or updated statistical inferential methods and scalable, reproducible software. These data sets often involve measurements of a continuous underlying process, and benefit from a functional data perspective. Functional Data Analysis with R presents many ideas for handling functional data including dimension reduction techniques, smoothing, functional regression, structured decompositions of curves, and clustering. The idea is for the reader to be able to immediately reproduce the results in the book, implement these methods, and potentially design new methods and software that may be inspired by these approaches.
Functional Data Analysis with R is primarily aimed at undergraduate, master's, and PhD students, as well as data scientists and researchers working on functional data analysis. The book can be read at different levels and combines state-of-the-art software, methods, and inference. It can be used for self-learning, teaching, and research, and will particularly appeal to anyone who is interested in practical methods for hands-on, problem-forward functional data analysis. The reader should have some basic coding experience, but expertise in R is not required.