Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

By Raymond J. Fonseca

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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Section I: Anesthesia and Pain Control: 1. Preoperative Evaluation. -- 2. Monitoring for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patient. -- 3. Local Anesthetics. -- 4. Pharmacology of Drugs in Ambulatory Anesthesia. -- 5. Anesthetic Concepts and Techniques. -- 6. Management of Acute Postoperative Pain. -- 7. Pediatric Pharmacosedation and General Anesthesia. -- 8. The Essential Role of the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon in the Diagnosis, Management, Causation and Prevention of Chronic Orofacial Pain: Clinical Perspectives. -- 9. Chronic Maxillomandibular and Head and Neck Pain. -- Section II: Dentoalveolar Surgery: 10. Pediatric Dentoalveolar Surgery. -- 11. Basic and Complex Exodontia, and Surgical Management of Impacted Teeth. -- 12. Complications of Dentoalveolar Surgery. -- 13. Skeletal Anchorage for Orthodontics. -- 14. Lasers in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. -- 15. Treatment of Trigeminal Nerve Injuries. -- Section III: Practice Management: 16. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery -- Office Management. -- 17. Accreditation of Surgicenters. -- 18. Credentializing and Hospital Privileging. -- 19. Marketing the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) Practice. -- 20. Office Design and Ergonomics. -- 21. Coding, Insurance and Third Party Payers. -- 22. Risk Management in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. -- Section IV: Implant Surgery: 23. Pharmacology for Implant Dentistry. -- 24. Autogenous Bone Grafting for Dental Implants. -- 25. Guided Tissue Regeneration in Implant Dentistry: The Use of Membrane Guided Techniques for the Management of Localized Bone Defects. -- 26. Contemporary Sinus-Lift Subantral Surgery and Graft. -- 27. Dentoalveolar Modification by Osteoperiosteal Flaps. -- 28. Soft Tissue Procedures Around Implants. -- 29. Zygomatic Implant: A Graftless Approach for Treatment of the Edentulous Maxilla. -- 30. Platelet Rich Plasma and Bone Grafting in Implant Surgery. -- 31. Immediate Implant Loading. -- 32. Impressions at Surgical Placement and Provisionalization of Implants. -- 33. Implant Placement Immediately Following Tooth Extraction. -- 34. Radiography for Dental Implantology. -- 35. Mini- and Transitional Implants.

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