This edition contains three sections and 111 chapters written by highly respected leaders in the field. It builds upon the success of previous editions by offering succinct updated reviews of the third edition chapters and several additional reviews by new authors on new topics.
In the first section, Clinical Practice Trends, the reader will find data on the most common outpatient and inpatient conditions, insights into educational trends, pearls on conducting a meaningful neurologic examination, information on key Web sites and advice on excelling at the art of medicine. In The Office Visit section, subheadings are organized according to the frequency of conditions in the office or clinic setting. The section offers management reviews in headache, seizures, epilepsy, neurobehavioral disorders, school readiness, developmental delay and a range of other conditions. The final section, The Hospitalized Child, features chapters addressing current therapy issues for trauma, meningitis and encephalitis, injury to the preterm and term brains, status epilepticus and a host of other conditions associated with hospital care. Several chapters were added to this new edition, including selections on current pharmacotherapy for migraine, epilepsy and ADHD, each with practitioner-friendly tables on drugs and one chapter was added on home management of breakthrough seizures.