Child and Adolescent Development

By Danuta Bukatko

Child and Adolescent Development
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This new chronological edition is based on the well-established topically organized text by Bukatko and Daehler,Child Development: A Thematic Approach,5/e. Addressing physical, social, and emotional development in a linear fashion, this text starts with pre-natal development and progresses through birth and the newborn baby, infancy and toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. Developed to accommodate the more applied focus of courses in nursing, parenthood, education, family studies, and human ecology, this text benefits from the authors' focus on research through an emphasis on developmental themes. Five themes on development are found in every chapter and are listed in the chapter opener, called out in the margin where the theme is addressed, and summarized in aSummary of Developmental Themessection at the end of the chapter. The five themes explore nature and nurture; sociocultural contexts; continuous vs. discontinuous development; the domains of development; and risk or resilience in development. Extensive "Contexts of Development" chapters for each development stage broaden the scope of the issues discussed by examining the child/adolescent within the context of family, peers, and community. Research Applied to Parenting/Educationboxes provide practical advice based on research findings and cover such topics as reducing SIDS, monitoring TV viewing, reciprocal teaching, and reading to children. Atypical Developmentsections focus on topics related to non-normative development, including eating disorders, autism, attention deficit disorder, detecting hearing loss, depression, conduct disorders, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Summary Tablesare two-page graphic timelines that summarize the various milestones of development and show the sequence of the child's development within a given domain (infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence). Chapter-Opening Vignettesdraw students into real-life scenarios by applying and exploring concepts of development. Marginal features,See for YourselfandWhat Do You Think?,invite students to critically evaluate and explore further related material on the Online Study Center. Additional pedagogy includes section summaries within each chapter and comprehensiveChapter Recapsthat feature aSummary of Developmental Themes,aChapter Review,and a list ofKey Terms and Concepts.

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