The Condition of Education 2013

By Susan Aud, Sidney Wilkinson-Flicker

The Condition of Education 2013
Available for 35 USD

NOTE: NO FURTHER DISCOUNT FOR THIS PRODUCT TITLE -- OVERSTOCK SALE -- Significantly reduced list price To ensure reliable, accurate, and timely data, which are necessary to monitor the progress of education in the United States, Congress has mandated that the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) produce an annual report, "The Condition of Education. "This year s report presents 49 indicators of important developments and trends in U.S. education. These indicators focus on participation in education, elementary and secondary education and outcomes, and postsecondary education and outcomes. The report includes indicators in five main areas: (1) participation in education; (2) learner outcomes; (3) student effort and educational progress; (4) the contexts of elementary and secondary education; and (5) the contexts of postsecondary education.Parents, teachers, librarians, school administrators, State education officers, statisticians, policy makers, education think tanks that influence education policy and some students may be interested in this report based on leading data trends in the American educational system. Keywords: Primary Education, Early Childhood Education School Enrollment, Child Care arrangements for Young children, Elementary/Secondary Education, Public School Enrollment, Charter School Enrollment, Private School Enrollment, Postsecondary Enrollment, Undergraduate Enrollment, Post-baccalaureate Enrollment, School Crime and Safety, Retention Rates, Distance Education in Public Schools, Faculty Salaries and Benefits, Comparison of tuition and other expenses, educational grants, degrees earned, education statisticsThis year s report presents 42 indicators of important developments and trends in U.S. education. These indicators focus on population characteristics, participation in education, elementary and secondary education, and postsecondary education. As this year s "Condition "shows, in 2012, about 90 percent of young adults ages 25 to 29 had a high school diploma, orits equivalent, and 33 percent had a bachelor s degree or higher. As in previous years, annual median earnings in 2011 were higher for those with higher levels of education for example, 25- to 34-year-olds with a college degree earnedover twice as much as high school dropouts.NCES s newest data on elementary and secondary schools show that about one in five public schools was consideredhigh poverty in 2011 meaning that 75 percent or more of their enrolled students qualified for free or reduced-pricelunch up from about to one in eight in 2000. In school year 2009 10, some 3.1 million public high school students, or 78.2 percent, graduated on time with a regular diploma. And, in 2011, about 68 percent of recent high schoolcompleters were enrolled in college the following fall. Meanwhile, the status dropout rate, or the percentage of 16- to24-year-olds who are not enrolled in school and do not have a high school diploma or its equivalent, declined from 12percent in 1990 to 7 percent in 2011.At 4-year colleges in 2011, nearly 90 percent of full-time students at public and private nonprofit institutions wereunder the age of 25. However, only about 29 percent of full-time students at private for-profit colleges were, while39 percent were between the ages of 25 to 34 and another 32 percent were 35 and older. About 56 percent of malestudents and 61 percent of female students who began their bachelor s degree in the fall of 2005, and did not transfer, had completed their degree by 2011. In that year, there were 1.7 million bachelor s degrees and over 700,000 master sdegrees awarded."The Condition of Education 2013" includes the latest data available on these and more key indicators. As new dataare released, the indicators will be updated and made available. Along with these indicators, NCES produces a widerange of reports and data to help inform policymakers and the American public about trends and conditions in U.S. education.

The print volume of "The Condition of Education 2013"is divided into three sections of indicators. Each indicator consists of one page of key findings and technical notes, two figures on the adjacent page, and one or more tables, found in "Appendix A. "The tables feature the estimates used in the indicator discussion as well as additional estimates related to the indicator. Where applicable, tables of standard errors for estimate tables are available on the NCES website (http: // Additional information on data sources can be found in "Appendix B." Information on analyses conducted, definitions of variables, and measures can be found in the notes in "Appendix C. "Finally, a glossary of key terms, a bibliography, and an index are featured in "Appendixes D "through "F." The introduction features an Overview and a Closer Look. The Overview summarizes each section of the volume by highlighting each indicator, which is referenced by its number (e.g., "indicator 19"). Each figure in the Overview can also be found in an indicator in the volume. For indicators with figures highlighted in the Overview, the Overview figure number will be followed by the indicator figure number in its reference (i.e., figure 3 is figure 47-2). The Closer Look examines a subset of indicators on high school education over the last twenty years using data from the full indicators. The relevant figures are included and referenced tables can be found in Appendix A. Related products:

Projections of Education Statistics to 2021, January 2013 can be found here: https: //

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Previous year print volumes available at reduced list prices:

Projections of Education Statistics to 2020 is available here: https: //

Projections of Education Statistics to 2019 is available here: https: //

Digest of Education Statistics 2009 is available here: https: //

Digest of Education Statistics 2008 is available here: https: //

The Condition of Education 2012 is available here: https: //

The Condition of Education 2010 is available here: https: //

The Condition of Education 2009 is available here: https: //"

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