Southwest Virginia Crossroads

By Joe Tennis

Southwest Virginia Crossroads
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Southwest Virginia Crossroads is a history and guide in 17 counties and four cities - from Blacksburg to Big Stone Gap. Journey along the Blue Ridge Parkway, the back roads, and the byways of this fabled region, where the mountains stand a mile high in the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. Discover 26 lakes and 50 waterfalls - with road directions, trail directions, boat launches, fishing tips, and local folklore. Discover where movies were filmed, how the legendary Devil's Bathtub took its name, and where you can find Frog Level, Haysi, and Goose Pimple Junction. The second edition of this critically-acclaimed local bestseller contains 39 maps and 158 photographs - including 20 photos that are new to this edition. Hear about the Hillsville courthouse shooting of 1912 and discover the Devil's Den. Look for The Cascades and the 200-foot-high waterfall at Bottom Creek Gorge Preserve. Learn the origins of the Bush Mill, Mabry Mill, Palmer Mill, Cowan Mill, and White's Mill. Subtitled "An Almanac of Place Names and Places to See," this 180-page encyclopedia of Southwest Virginia contains the place-name origins - and road-crossing locations of 750 places in the region, making it an invaluable tool for researchers and explorers.