Praise for The L Life:
"The book will have lasting import. Add the exquisite images by photographer May, and it's more than a winning package that should be on your radar for upcoming gift giving opportunities such as Gay Pride and the holidays."
"Author Erin McHugh has done the world a great service. Celebrating and commemorating Women's History Month with its release, McHugh's The L Life: Extraordinary Lesbians Making a Difference conveniently collects within one cover the best and brightest of those women whose work and spirit is a template not only of our past, but also for where we, as a culture, are headed."
"With casually candid interviews by author Erin McHugh and stunning new portraits by photographer Jennifer May, this essential hardcover tribute, available March 1, celebrates newsmakers and ordinary inspirations like Dykes to Watch Out For's Alison Bechdel, comedian Kate Clinton, breast cancer researcher Dr. Susan Love, activist Phyllis Lyon, producer Christine Vachon, and Glee's Jane Lynch. Rosie and Ellen aren't even missed."