Clinical Companion for Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book

By Donna D. Ignatavicius, M. Linda Workman, Chris Winkelman

Clinical Companion for Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book
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The Clinical Companion for Ignatavicius & Workman: Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, 7th Edition, is an easy-to-use, A-Z guide to 245 common medical-surgical conditions and their management. Written in a reader-friendly, direct-address style, this handbook is a convenient quick reference that you can carry with you on clinical days.

A-Z synopses of 245 diseases and disorders, along with related collaborative care, serve as both a quick reference for clinical days and a study resource for essential information Streamlined format helps you focus more effectively on nursing care prioritiesConsistent collaborative care format helps you prepare for clinical days more efficiently.Special Considerations highlights call your attention to important aspects of nursing care, such as Genetic/Genomic Considerations, Considerations for Older Adults, Women's Health Considerations, and Cultural Considerations. National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) icons help you provide safe and effective care by highlighting safety information identified in The Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goals.Concepts of Medical-Surgical Nursing sections provide a quick, one-stop review of eight concepts that are critical to medical-surgical nursing practice. A-Z thumb tabs along the edges of the pages facilitate quick access to clinical information for just-in-time learning and review at the bedside.10 quick-reference appendices provide need-to-know, quick-reference coverage of common or important clinical topics Guide to Head-To-Toe Physical Assessment of AdultsTerminology Associated With Fluid and Electrolyte BalanceLaboratory ValuesInterventions for Common Environmental EmergenciesChemical and Biological Agents of TerrorismDischarge PlanningElectrocardiographic Complexes, Segments, and IntervalsThe Patient Requiring Intubation and Mechanical VentilationThe Patient Requiring Chest Tubes Communication Quick Reference for Spanish-Speaking PatientsUpdated content matches the Ignatavicius & Workman textbook for a reliably seamless reference and study experience.

UNIQUE! Nursing Safety Priorities highlights have been

refined and divided into three types of Nursing Safety Priority highlights: Drug Alert!, Critical Rescue!, and Action Alert! to help you recognize critical situations in which the patient's health or very life may be in jeopardy. Increased use of color improves table readability and highlights headings and new Nursing Safety Priority boxes.

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