
By Stephen W. Perkins

Available for 125 USD
This book is one part of a seven volumes series covering thefull spectrum of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery -each written by a nationally recognized facial plastic surgeondetailing their own clinical techniques and practices. Eachvolume is generously illustrated with superb clinical andsurgical photos and numerous detailed case study photos. Thisseries will be of great value to both experienced surgeons andas a teaching tool for resident level physicians and can bepurchased individually or as a set. Rhinoplasty, the surgicalmodification of the nose, requires unique considerations overstandard surgical procedures. The approach to nasal analysisentails both a careful analysis of surface deformities and adetailed understanding of the underlying anatomy. This textwill serve as a guide to facial plastic surgeons and fellowsas well as focus on Dr. Stephen Perkins' clinical techniquesand procedures.Show MoreShow Less
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