The thirteenth edition's exceptional new readings include selections on the similarities between women's dieting culture and religion, the lives of homeless women, the ways in which hit men neutralize their deviance, the racist mind of the neo-Nazis and Klansmen, the life situation of people who move up the social class ladder, the ways in which American culture dictates how women give birth, and the lives of young women who work in Thai factories. Together with these essential new articles, the selections by Peter Berger, Herbert Gans, Erving Goffman, Donna Eder, Sidney Katz, Zella Luria,
C. Wright Mills, Deborah Tannen, Barrie Thorne, Philip Zimbardo, and many others provide firsthand reports that give students a sense of "being there." Henslin also explains basic methods of social research, providing insight into how sociologists explore the social world. The selections in "Down to Earth Sociology" highlight the significant themes of contemporary sociology, ranging from the sociology of gender, power, politics, sports, and religion to the contemporary crises of racial tension, crime, rape, poverty, homelessness, and the globalization of capitalism.