There have been many books on English syntax available in the market. They were written in English for students of English around the world. Few books on Indonesian syntax have been written in Indonesian. However, a book on English syntax by Indonesian writers has not yet been available, let alone for Indonesian students of English at Kanjuruhan University of Malang. Considering this fact, we dare write a little book on English syntax. This little book was written on the basis of our students’ work on English syntax. A lot of input has been obtained after many years of teaching English syntax. The given data which become the raw materials for this little book were then compiled, and re-set under several headings.
This little book falls into three big parts. Each part treats different topics which are then elaborated into several chapters. The first part deals with syntactic structures of modification, which are termed as phrases in grammar. The second part is about syntactic structures of predication and complementation which are crystallized into five basic sentence patterns where grammatical functions play their roles. The last part is concerned with semantic roles. The roles are divided into participants, processes, and circumstances