Enjoy this comedic urban fantasy about dragons and demons, mortals and magic, vampires and... baseball?
Yes, baseball! You'd be surprised how much baseball has to do with human
history — and you can hear it all from the dragons hanging out at Uncle
Merl's Bar & Grill in Newark! But as Merlin the bartender will tell
you, don't talk to them when they're watching a Mets game.
That's right, supernatural sports fans! Welcome to the opening game of
the End-of-the-World Series! From the depths of the underworld, from the
ninth circle of hell, please welcome the visiting baseball team — Satan
and the real Hell's Angels!
And now, from across all of time and space, from every season of every
team in every city, please welcome the home team — the Hall of Fame
Heroes! That's right, baseball fans — all the baseball legends, from
Georgia Peach Ty Cobb to Jiltin' Joe DiMaggio, have returned from their
graves to duel the demons on the diamond!
So grab some peanuts and head to the bleachers with a few beered-up
dragons to watch the best of humanity play the worst of hell! The stakes
are high, and the winner takes all — all the world, that is!