OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2001

By Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Economic Analysis and Statistics Division

OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2001
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Are OECD countries becoming more knowledge-based? Are they embracing the information economy? To what extent are innovation, science, technology and economies becoming global? What are the new growth industries and occupations? With over 160 indicators, 60% of them new to this edition, the volume provides a comprehensive picture of countries’ performance in the areas of science, technology and industry. It uses an improved classification of technology and knowledge-intensive industries. New indicators address emerging policy issues: international mobility of human capital, relative innovative performance as measured by patent families, skills in the information economy, diffusion of the Internet and electronic commerce. Resources devoted to innovation in emerging areas such as biotechnology, environment, health and information and communication technologies are measured for the first time. A new section on the information economy relies on the latest data from official sources. With the essential findings presented in bullet points and methodological notes on indicators and data sources, this publication combines statistical rigour with easy access and readability. An electronic version makes individual sections, an elaborate data appendix and links to the databases readily available. The electronic version also gives users “clickable” access to the data used in charts and figures. AREAS COVERED: New resources for the knowledge-based economy - Human capital and international mobility - R&D performance - Role of government and business in R&D and innovation - Science and innovation performance - Resources and infrastructure for the information economy - Diffusion of Internet technologies and electronic commerce - Contribution of the information and communication technologies to economic performance - International trade - Foreign direct investment - Strategic alliances and cross-border, mergers and acquisitions - Internationalisation of science and technology - Industrial structure and productivity growth - Technology and knowledge-intensive industries and their performance. FURTHER READING: OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2000; OECD Information Technology Outlook 2000; OECD Communications Outlook 2001; A New Economy: Beyond the Hype, 2001 (OECD ); OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators 2001/1 and STI Working Papers series available at http://www.oecd.org/dsti/sti/stat-ana/index.htm.