Brother Martin

By Mary Elizabeth O'Brien Op

Brother Martin
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The author, Sr. Mary Elizabeth O'Brien, in her prologue, clearly apprises the reader of the reason why she has undertaken this work: to present an analysis of the concept of servant leadership as lived by a humble Dominican Friar in the seventeenth century. This keen insight, coupled with the belief that Brother Martin de Porres is the consummate model of "servant leadership" for us today, is the fruit of that conviction. In this, her latest work, Sr. Mary Elizabeth introduces a side of Brother Martin too long obscured by the 'Legend' and invites us to look beyond the miracles and countless healings which are so familiar. Not only does she guide her readers to a vantage point from where they can observe the young protagonist, Martin, grow in wisdom and ability, she methodically highlights the unique qualities and virtues that influenced him. It is those same essential characteristics, which define a Servant Leader, that we will watch mature into Brother Martin's life of service, one deeply rooted in love. Brother Martin: Servant Leadership in Ministry to the Sick is a must-read for all who are either discerning the call to ministry, service or leadership or are simply desirous of rekindling the flame of authentic servant leadership. - Brother Gerard Thayer, OP

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