From Africa to the Heart of the GOP

By David O. Agbeti

From Africa to the Heart of the GOP
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This book is a true account of the events on a long ago night when two angels from heaven "visited" me. It is the story of that "angelic encounter" as I experienced it. It happened many years ago, but the impressions are still vivid in my memory.

It was not a fleeting glimpse of ethereal beings clothed in cloudy mist. Those angels were "real." If seen from a distance they probably would have seemed like ordinary men. Close up, however, no one could have mistaken them for men. Anyone would have known they were angels who had come down from heaven. During their first appearance, it seemed to me their speech to me lasted a long time. In retrospect that time period probably could have been measured in minutes. That is true even though they seemed like very "long" minutes. They were silent during their brief second appearance; albeit puzzled and inquisitive.

These angels had about them a mysterious air of another world. They stood in front of my chair, in my living room with an indescribable and lofty majesty. Their posture and demeanor "spoke" of another sphere of existence. A sphere about which writers have speculated for thousands of years. They somehow "reeked" of an indescribable physical and mental power that was beyond my comprehension.

My initial reaction was fright. A fright so great it overwhelmed my senses. I thought they had come to kill me. That was a certainty in my numbed mind. That fear quickly became life threatening. I did not know it at the time but their actions and speech would be forever impressed on my memory.

During their first visit, they were extremely anxious to reassure me. They did not wish me to fear them. Their speech was sympathetic and reassuring. They told me they had not come to injure me in any way. They then explained the reason for their "intrusion" into my presence.

Nothing that I have found anywhere in literature, except perhaps the bible, tells a similar story. My personality underwent a complete change that night. The brief account of that experience is now told for the first time in the 40 years since that encounter.

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