aEURoeI need to turn off your electricity now,aEUR the gentleman informed me with a sincere apology. I reassured him that it was not his fault, and I went back into the house, hands shaking. My girls and I had been in the middle of an indoor picnic with a friend and her toddlers. I wondered if she noticed that the lights had gone dark. It was daytime after all. But it wasnaEUR(tm)t daytime in my heart. FearaEUR(tm)s darkness held me by its iron grip and had become my world (excerpt from Just Jesus: A Story of Finding Courage and Happiness in a Crazy World).Has fear grabbed you too? Do you feel imprisoned or overwhelmed by the chaos around you and lifeaEUR(tm)s inevitable trials? Do you find joy elusive?In her guidebook, Mel shares her own wild story of overcoming fear and finding happiness with the courage and perspective only Jesus gives. Using wisdom and history found in Scripture, Just Jesus can help youaEURC/ give your fears to Jesus;aEURC/ recognize and prepare for SatanaEUR(tm)s spiritual attacks;aEURC/ see the world with JesusaEUR(tm)s perspective; andaEURC/ notice and celebrate GodaEUR(tm)s miraculous hand in your life.Just Jesus: A Story of Finding Courage and Happiness in a Crazy World will point you in the right direction toward stepping into the destiny God has written for you and finding joy despite lifeaEUR(tm)s trials.