My Inner Whisper

By Dr. Santosh Kumar J. Mishra

My Inner Whisper
Available for 2.91 USD
Dear readers, As we are aware that poetry is the expression of human life from times eternal. I too pretend to be instrumental to express the truth and beauty of life in my surrounding I have perceived. In fact our country has a long tradition of creating arts and poetry from ages. I wish to reveal my reactions and responses to the things and the incidences happening around me in cosmopolitan city comprising of prismatic view of lives varying in language, rituals and life styles but creating an amazing combination of diversity and unity. Through ‘My Inner Whisper’ I open my heart to sing, to voice and represent the sentiments and ethos of our contemporary Indian societal cultural space. It is very true that no true poet can escape from the tradition that haunts him to conceptualize the arising challenges and the sufferings the humanity goes through. In the same way, with the same vein I too, am being haunted to encapsulate my experiences in words that I went through. I too, dream to seek beauty and order in my words to acquire the dreams of my nation and society. The radical past stored in my deeper consciousness what the psychologist Jung calls "the blocked off radical unconscious" swells the poetic seed in me to germinate and develop the literary instinct that inspired me to come up with this poetry collection. At the same time, I, as a poet, cannot escape the present because I subsist in it and belong to it that forced me to come with certain poems reflecting the arising crisis of religion and the spirituality. The best part of it is that I, located myself at the place of a poet, tried my level best to relate the immediate present to the living past and in possible intent to the future that is in the process of becoming. We as a poet encounter the present, experience the past and envision the future projecting all in our creative literary space. My this English poem collection entitled as ‘My Inner Whisper’ evolves from the contemporary experiences that I interfaced as the process of modernization comprising of mass-migration, urbanization, industrialization, mobility, independence, social changes and increased communication and emerging challenges of common people in metropolitan and cosmopolitan space.. It aims to express the contemporary issues with greater intensity and of certain attitudes and values believed by Indian society, wholly urban of middle class. I, in my poetic spirit, find myself very realistic and analytical in my expression and experiences that sometimes may turn individualized. My past memories, experiences and encounters with life, pleasing and unpleasing, sometimes succeeded while at almost of times failed are the sites of my poetic quest and exploration to understand the life with its best endeavor. I within my poetic vein sincerely attempted to go in for precision at all my levels. With the hope that this poetic volume would render delight and yield mental ease to my all the readers, I look forward for your overwhelmed responses that definitely will encourage me for other piece of creative works. I am confident enough to state that your appreciation would be a fresh source of energy for my poetic strength that will definitely find an expression in other of my creative space. Dr. Santosh Kumar J. Mishra, Mumbai.

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