“The sun, the sky, the moon, the stars
Move in celestial harmony
Never violating the canons
Of the divine powers
Let man learn his lessons from nature's theme
Live in peace and harmony
No matter how strong or how wise
Live within the realms of the divine scheme”
— Rig Veda
Ishkrithi—the generation and sustenance of nature in all respects…
The earth has enough bounty for all living beings to live happily. But due to greed and selfishness, modern man has been exploiting nature, without a thought for the coming generations. This has resulted in natural calamities, droughts, floods, forest fires, etc. to the detriment of humanity at large.
The ancient wisdom of Bharatadesham, known to the Maharshis with their Intellect-born knowledge, was revealed through the Vedas, which are the source of knowledge in crystal clear form.
The Vrishti Yagna at Latur, which resulted in plentiful rains in a severely drought hit area, Yaga conducted for putting out forest fires in Uttarakhand, etc. are but a few examples of this ancient wisdom.
Read on to know more about this wealth of all-encompassing knowledge…
The subject Viswamatha is brought under the following books
1. Viswamatha Geetha
2. Metaphilosophy of Creation Cosmos and beyond Cosmos
3. Viswamatha Imperceptible
4. Viswamatha Nishkrithi
5. Viswamatha Ishkrithi