
By Wolfhart Pannenberg

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Wolfhart Pannenberg is one of the giants of twentieth century German systematic theology, and all serious students of German doctrine are obligied to take account of his work. In particular, his weighty but succinct single-volume systematics, "Jesus - God and Man" - which was first published in English in 1968, and which has since formed the basis of countless courses and seminars in the field (as well as the inspiration behind many dissertations) - is perhaps the single publication by Pannenberg that might be called indispensible and unmissable. For Pannenberg one can only talk about God when one at the same time talks about Jesus. Theology and Christology, the doctrine of God and the doctrine of Jesus as the Christ, are therefore insuperably bound together. This book develops the connection systematically, through a careful mode of biblical, dogmatic and philosophical exposition.

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