The Work of Ofsted

By Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Education and Skills Committee

The Work of Ofsted
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The Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) is a non-ministerial government department with responsibility for regular inspection of schools, further education, and the regulation of childminding and day care. As part of its ongoing scrutiny of the work of Ofsted, the Committee's report considers Ofsted's work in 2003-04, including its annual report, structure and strategy; the growth of its remit, including its new responsibilities under the Children Bill relating to the inspection of children's services; value for money aspects of its inspection activities; the process and conduct of school inspections and reporting. The Committee's findings include support for the Ofsted's proposed new streamlined inspection regime to be established under the banner of 'a new relationship with schools'; and some concern that Ofsted's strategic expansion into new areas of responsibility needs to be carefully managed to ensure effective integration of new staff and efficient use of its increased resources. The Committee also welcomes Ofsted's proposal to publish a self-assessment review of its inspection activities, and urges the inspectorate to pursue the development of rigorous benchmarking measures.

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