Ellen Anon is an Apple Certified Trainer in Aperture and a renowned photo workshop instructor; she teaches thousands of photographers every year how to shoot, organize, and edit their images in person and through her writing. Photographer Josh Anon applies his experience in Mac OS X photo software engineering to reveal Aperture's secrets, from time-saving tips to advanced workflow customization advice.
Aperture Exposed is the best coverage available of what working pros need to know, including the 1.0.1 and 1.1 updates. And now, Ellen and Josh have made available a report on "What's New in Aperture 1.5", a companion to the book for users of the latest version; download the free booklet from www.sunbearphoto.com.
With a foreword by master photographer Charles Glatzer, Aperture Exposed is the photographer's authority on Apple's workflow solution.