Your best tool for building fluent writers
Move beyond routine assignments and make your classroom′s writing time really count! No extra time or effort required--this smart and compelling collection is designed to enhance the writing instruction you′re already providing. More than just prompts, these texts will foster authentic writing every day, as you challenge your students to build fluency and write for a variety of purposes--top priorities of the Common Core.
Whether you teach beginning writers or high school students, you can dive right in to
Deeper Writing gives you the tools and strategies you need to help your students′ writing flourish, as they dig beneath the surface, remember and reflect and imagine, and learn to write with deeper meaning.
"Here are the resources you would collect if you had months to search for them. Robin shows how each can be used to help students find satisfying topics and then develop those by studying the craft of other writers. This book will inspire you to write--and lead your students to write--with heart, with passion, and with increasing skill."--Penny Kittle, Author of Write Beside Them and Book Love