A legacy stolen...
Hagar, an Egyptian handmaiden was granted a divine promise. Through her son, Ishmael, her descendants would number in the multitudes. When twelve sons were born to Ishmael, a bust was created to commemorate Hagar's legacy.
After a caravan from Ur visits Ishmael's camp, the treasured bust is stolen and taken where the Ishmaelites would never find it - to the future.
London 1812
Eleanor Griffin, a maid in Lord Bureyton's household is thought to have witnessed the theft of his lordship's ancient Egyptian bust. But all she saw was a man vanish - right before her eyes. Bureyton begins punishing Eleanor for his loss. She fears that the daily lashings will end her life, and she decides to runaway, disappear like that man did.
Eleanor time travels to twenty-first century London where she starts anew; but that life is threatened when Lord Bureyton leaves the Regency era, and joins her in modern England, looking for his lost bust.