Gay Theology without Apology

By Gary David Comstock

Gay Theology without Apology
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. . . fresh and bold . . . a charter of hope"In these fresh and bold essays, Gary David Comstock finds God's liberating connection in scripture-from-the-underside, in nontraditional traditions, and in body experience. Candidly self-revelatory, he shows how only in taking our own lives seriously can we be lovers of the world. Gay Theology without Apology is both judgment on churchly oppression and a charter of hope for gay/lesbian/bisexual Christians on the edges of the church. It is also truly an apologia, a persuasive case for the richer, more erotic, more just and loving humanness of everyone of us."--James B. Nelson, Professor of Christian Ethics, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities . . . an important contribution . . . a creative search for meaning "Gary Comstock has taken the initiative to reconstruct Christian tradition out of his experience of mutuality and relationship as a gay man and has made an important contribution to the growing field of gay liberation theology. His critique of heterosexism in the Bible leads to a creative search for meaning in the lives of those struggling for wholeness and new life in community."--Letty M. Russell, Professor of Theology, Yale Divinity School . . . a gripping testimonial . . . all of us are enriched "Starting from the ground of his own unfolding experience as a gay man, Gary Comstock critically assesses Christian Scripture, tradition, and church practice as fragile but valued resources--rather than monolithic authorities--for nurturing a more inclusive human community. This book is a gripping testimonial to the integrity of the gay way of being in the world. At the same time, it is a convincing demonstration of how all of us are enriched by fully honoring gayness as a valid way of being human and Christian."--Norman K. Gottwald, Professor of Biblical Studies, New York Theological Seminary. . . the real deviants are the homophobes "Gay people generally will draw hope and support from this book, and a lot of Christians will find in the author's thoughtfulness and humanity a real asset in battling their own Victorian resistance and rigidity. Comstock reconfirmed my conviction that the real deviants are the homophobes."--William Sloane Coffin, Former Senior Minister. Riverside Church. New York

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