Leslie, the overachiever of the four Nurseketeers, is passionate about working in the operating room. Struggling with setting priorities and the inability to say no, Leslie can’t keep up with her studies, meet the expectations of her basketball coach, serve effectively as president of the Student Nurses’ Association, work part time, and remain fully engaged with the love of her life. Her dream of becoming a nurse is challenged when she fails the first exam of her senior year. Compounding her frustration, she and her mother are arguing. The relationship with her boyfriend is heading for the rocks and her world is crumbling as her challenges loom like mountains to climb, the summit hidden by clouds of frustration, failure, and despair.
“The final semester of nursing school has arrived for the Nurseketeers! Seniors may rule the school but that does not mean that they do not have their share of adventures and challenges. The Nurseketeers move toward graduation, continuing to develop as young women. The challenges they faced in the 1970s are similar to those faced by nursing students today. I find it refreshing to be reminded that the camaraderie and support of the 70’s has not been lost and is as alive and as meaningful as ever. Nursing students and nurses unite—no matter where you are in your journey!” —Christina Roberts