Work 1: Experience the poetic brilliance of “Poems by Victor Hugo.” Hugo's collection of poems showcases his mastery of language and emotion. From romantic verses to poignant reflections on societal issues, Hugo's poetry captures the breadth of his literary prowess and his ability to evoke profound emotions.
Work 2: Immerse yourself in the historical drama of “Ninety-Three by Victor Hugo.” Hugo's novel unfolds against the backdrop of the French Revolution, portraying the complexities of human nature and the moral dilemmas faced by its characters. The narrative is a gripping exploration of duty, sacrifice, and the pursuit of justice in times of upheaval.
Work 3: Enter the world of social injustice and redemption with “Les Misérables by Victor Hugo.” Hugo's epic novel follows the lives of characters such as Jean Valjean and Inspector Javert in a sweeping narrative that spans decades. Filled with themes of love, justice, and the struggle for a better society, this masterpiece remains a timeless exploration of the human condition.