Dal regno al regime

By Andrea Ferri

Dal regno al regime
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Traces the history of the Jews in the city of Imola and in the region of Emilia-Romagna from the unification of Italy in 1861 until the end of World War II. Ch. 2 (pp. 23-35), "Ideazione e promulgazione delle leggi razziali: L'applicazione in Emilia-Romagna", deal with the causes for the racial legislation and their application in the region. Ch. 5 (pp. 63-90), "L'applicazione delle leggi razziali a Imola", discusses the consequences of the application of the racial laws on the Jews in Imola between 1938-45. Appendixes 1-3 (pp. 91-150) contain documents and photos of Jewish personalities in Emilia-Romagna.

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