Linear Ray and Wave Optics in Phase Space

By Amalia Torre

Linear Ray and Wave Optics in Phase Space
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Linear Ray and Wave Optics in Phase Space, Second Edition, is a comprehensive introduction to Wigner optics. The book connects ray and wave optics, offering the optical phase space as the ambience and the Wigner function based technique as the mathematical machinery to accommodate between the two opposite extremes of light representation: the localized ray of geometrical optics and the unlocalized wave function of wave optics. Analogies with other branches of classical and quantum physics—such as classical and quantum mechanics, quantum optics, signal theory and magnetic optics—are evidenced by pertinent comments and/or rigorous mathematics.

Lie algebra and group methods are introduced and explained through the elementary optical systems within the ray and wave optics contexts, the former being related to the symplectic group and the latter to the metaplectic group. In a similar manner, the Wigner function is introduced by following the original issue to individualize a phase space representation of quantum mechanics, which is mirrored by the issue to individualize a local frequency spectrum within the signal theory context.

The basic analogy with the optics of charged particles inherently underlying the ray-optics picture in phase space is also evidenced within the wave-optics picture in the Wigner phase space. This second edition contains 150 pages of new material on Wigner distribution functions, ambiguity functions for partially coherent beams, and phase-space picture and fast optics. All chapters are fully revised and updated. All topics have been developed to a deeper level than in the previous edition and are now supported with Mathematica and Mathcad codes.

  • Provides powerful tools to solve problems in quantum mechanics, quantum optics and signal theory
  • Includes numerous examples supporting a gradual and comprehensive introduction to Wigner optics
  • Treats both ray and wave optics, resorting to Lie-algebra based methods
  • Connects the subject with other fields, such as quantum optics, quantum mechanics, signal theory and optics of charged particles
  • Introduces abstract concepts through concrete examples
  • Includes logical diagrams to introduce mathematics in an intuitive way
  • Contains 150 pages of new material on Wigner distribution functions, ambiguity functions for partially coherent beams, and phase-space picture and fast optics
  • Supported with Mathematica and Mathcad codes

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