Learn how to help children cope with domestic violence!
The Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Children examines the short- and long-term developmental issues facing children exposed to violence in their own homes. The book addresses the growing concern for children at risk of suffering psychological, behavioral, social, and educational problems, and for the effects childhood maltreatment may have on their adult lives. An interdisciplinary panel of researchers, academicians, attorneys, clinicians, and practitioners discuss treatment programs, theoretical perspectives, research and methodological issues, assessment and intervention, and forensic issues, including child custody.
The Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Children addresses the emotional and behavioral disturbances children can suffer after being exposed to violence between their parents. It examines methodological and theoretical challenges, pilot programs for treatment, intervention models, therapeutic curricula, and family law. Practitioners and academics review dozens of studies, representative samples, probability samples, and research findings relating to children's internalizing and externalizing behaviors, adjustment difficulties, coping strategies. The book also examines:
The Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Children is an essential resource for professionals, advocates, and practitioners who work with abused children and maltreating families.