Not available for public sale. This is a special limited issue specially published by the National Bank of Austria for VIPs.
The introduction of the Euro in 16 EU Member States by 2009 is a historic achievement, a major milestone in European integration. The unprecedented success of the Euro – not least in difficult global economic times – is of immeasurable value not only to the Euro area and its people, but also to its neighbours and the global economy at large. The Euro is not only legal tender, but the banknotes and coins are the very visible symbol of a united, peaceful, stable and prosperous Europe!
In 1996, Robert Kalina was the outright winner of the competition held by the European Monetary Institute (now the ECB) to design the first Euro banknote series. His supreme design includes stylised architectural motives - bridges and portals - clearly symbolising the opening of doors and building of bridges between nations in Europe.