"This text fills a great need." -- Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas, Bishop of Tucson
"If you want to help young people develop a vibrant, life-transforming faith, read this book!" -- John Roberto, LifelongFaith Associates
"Engaging a New Generation is as much about vibrant parish faith as it is about our young people." -- Bishop Timothy Doherty, Lafayette, Indiana
"A modern manifesto for reaching young people today." -- Jim Beckman, Director of Youth Evangelization and Leadership, Augustine Institute
"Frank Mercadante's passion for the young Church and his commitment to a comprehensive approach to pastoral ministry is evident on every page." -- Bob McCarty, D.Min., Executive Director, National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry"This book comes from deep inside the field of youth ministry. It is theological, sociological, practical, pastoral, and scriptural." -- Dr. Mike Carotta, author, national consultant
"This book is the most significant resource I have read, not only for youth ministry but for parish ministry, in the last ten years." --Peter Denio, Standards for Excellence Coordinator, The National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management
"Frank Mercadante is in it to win it for today's teens." -- Randy Raus, Life Teen President/CEO
"Masterfully and succinctly outlines some of the big shifts that have taken place within culture and the Church." -- Mike Patin, International Catholic Speaker and "Faith Horticulturist"
"Whoever wants the next generation of Catholic youth the most will get them. Let Frank Mercadante show you how!" -- Matthew Kelly, New York Times bestselling author of Rediscover Catholicism and founder of Dynamiccatholic.com
"We as a Church often hope to reach today's young people with yesterday's approach - and then wonder why they don't respond. This book is a must read." -- Bob Rice, Speaker, Author, Musician, and Professor of Catechetics at Franciscan University of Steubenville
"Clearly identifies these cultural shifts and shares important current research on youth and families." -- Jeffrey Kaster, Ed.D, Saint John's University School of Theology and Seminary, Collegeville